1. Login into the server.
2. Go to your Vesta control panel bin directory.
# cd /usr/local/vesta/bin
3. Download the TLD list and save it in above location.
# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gavingmiller/second-level-domains/master/SLDs.csv
4. Open the file using vi editor.
# vi v-add-web-domain
5. Add below code at the beginning of script after the variables.
TWOLEVELS=$( /bin/echo "${domain}" | /usr/bin/rev | /usr/bin/cut -d "." --output-delimiter="." -f 1-2 | /usr/bin/rev );
if /bin/grep -P ",.${TWOLEVELS}" $BIN/SLDs.csv >/dev/null; then
check_domain=$( /bin/echo "${domain}" | /usr/bin/rev | /usr/bin/cut -d "." -f "1-${KEEPPARTS}" | /usr/bin/rev );
check_exist=`grep "DOMAIN='$check_domain'" $VESTA/data/users/*/web.conf | grep -v "$user/web.conf"`
if [ -z $check_exist ]; then
6. End this if loop at the end of the script before exist.
7. To restrict same thing in mail and DNS add the same code in v-add-mail-domain and v-add-dns-domain respectively.